The stench of poverty fills the city, invading the air and the nostrils,
Save us Majestic Lord, God of the Universe,
Save us from the wolves foaming at the mouth, rabid,
waiting to devour the darkness, waiting to devour the night,
Save us Majestic God, with the naked Christ,
Your Son, humiliated, beaten, wounded, stripped,
blood soaking the soil of Calvary, blood soaking the wood,
staining and cleansing the cross, Let Your heart for the poor
make us poor, make us obedient, humble and washed,
Save us. Wash us.
Save us again and again and again.
I come to You my Lord, on my knees, naked, broken, poor.
I come to You my Lord, stripped bare, rejecting all things but You.
I submit my flesh to you, an offering for Your sacrifice.
I submit my soul to you, returning to You what belongs to You.
I submit my possessions to You, giving them to those who ask,
as You demand.
I submit my mind to You, surrendering every thought to Your thoughts.
I submit myself to You my Lord, giving myself to as Your slave,
the lowest of the low, to do with me as You will.
I beg You my God, I beg You, to accept this offering of ash and dust,
in all of my brokeness, all of my poverty, all of my weakness.
We were commanded by Christ Jesus,
Our Master, Our Lord, to pick up our cross and follow Him.
We were commanded by the Christ, to conform NOT to this world
but to turn it upside down.
We are called to be His disciples, O Lord God, take us.
We are Your slaves, Your fools, rejecting the world
and following Him who brings us peace.
Humble me my Master, My Lord, keep me chaste and speak to me,
command me, discipline me, and let me follow.
Strengthen me in my weakness, in my poverty provide my bread,
In You alone I place my trust,
in You alone I place my life, my flesh, my spirit.
I am Your own.
My God, You are my eyes in the blindness of this world,
You comfort me in suffering,
You enable me to embrace the pain,
You give me hope in hopelessness, and strength in weakness,
You have spoken and I have heard,
You have commanded and I have followed,
There is only You my God, my reason for being.
Take me into Your arms, and let me always listen,
let my silence be worship, let my chastity be an offering,
let my poverty be my wealth, let my obedience be Your pleasure,
You are my God, I see You in all there is,
I see you in the suffering, Your presence evident, Your peace prepared.
Let Your mouth hush the noise of the world that does not know You,
and let us introduce You, to all who suffer,
not with trumpet, pomp or carpet,
but in love, let this be the way.