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How To Use Your Beads
4) Move your fingers up the chain to the first set of stamen to the right (you will be saying the
rosary in a counterclockwise direction). Grasp the first bead and say your chosen prayer for
the weeks. Repeat this prayer on the next six beads.
5) Move your fingers to the next pistil bead and say your chosen pistil prayer.
6) Continue in this manner until you have completed the circle of the rosary.
1) Loosely hold the beads in your hand, grasping the sunflower
in your other hand. If desired, say your opening prayer.
2) With your thumb and forefinger, grasp the pistil bead and say
your chosen pistil prayer.
3) Move your fingers up the chain to the first of the 4 beads
and say your chosen prayer.
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