What does "OIKOS" mean?
oikoß: oikos :: Pronounced *oy'-kos
Literally meaning:
1. a house
a. an inhabited house, home
b. any building whatever
1) of a palace
2) the house of God, the tabernacle
c. any dwelling place
1) of the human body as inhabited by a spirit
2) of tents, and huts
3) the place where one has a fixed residence, one's
settled abode, domicile
2. the occupants of a house, all the persons forming one
family, a household
3. stock, family, descendants of one
*NOTE: There is a common mispronunciation of the root word oikos in Western culture, but a similar - though more correct - one in the current Greek pronunciation.
Where the inconsistency exists in in the "oi" - often pronounced "Oy" with a dominant "o" equal to the significant "y". The correct pronunciation is offered when the "o" is devalued in emphasis and the "i" (pronounced as the long "e") is dominant. The result is that the word oikos has evolved to sound more like "ē-kos", where there is a very subtle "oh" before the dominant "E" sound.
Western ears may hear a subtle form, sounding similar to "(uh)E-kos"
We also designate various members in our community as oikourgous
οἰκουργούς: oikourgous | οἰκουρός: oikourós :: Both pronounced oy-koo-rōs, or, more correctly, 'ē-ko0-rōs; from the words oikos (home, dwelling) and ouros (guardian, keeper)
Literally meaning: the (watch or) keeper of the house.